Thursday, April 21, 2011

Family... Isn't it about time ;)

"The most important of the Lord's work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own homes". - President Harold B. Lee

On my mission I have met A LOT of people and let me tell you... no two people are exactly alike. People are unique! But there is always something in common... the importance of family. They may come from a home built on a foundation of love and support, or maybe a foundation of fear and mistrust; their family experience may be positive or negative. Everyone wants a better relationship with their family members. Everyone child wants a loving Mother and Father that is concerned about their needs. Every wife wants her husband to appreciate the service she does for the family. Every Dad wants to be loved and respected by his children. Family is imporant!!

So how can we have a sucessful family. Listen to the best advice I know. "The message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ makes it possible for families to be united now and in eternity. By living the principles of the gospel, families can experience peace, joy and a sense of belonging and identity in this life. Through the light of the gospel, families can resolve misunderstandings, contentions, and challenges. Families torn by discord can be healed through repentance, forgiveness, and faith in the power of the Atonment of Jesus Christ. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Sucessful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities." (Preach My Gospel. 3)

I know that is true! I have to give a great shout out to my family. I love them more than my life for what they have done for me. I am largely who I am today because of my family, especially my Mom, Dad, and brother Kyle. I have a witness that the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and His church will unify and strengthen your family relationships because it has done that for mine. I promise that if you and your family live the restored gospel, you will be a succesful family. God be thanked for His glorious gospel, which is the only ultimate source of joy for us individually and our families.